Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Paul Kedrosky: Waterblogged

Paul Kedrosky loves too much, and too often. There isn't a graph, podcast or Google development that escapes his attention or, as it turns out, his comment. Even the VC feeds I subscribe to contain 80% Kedrosky posts. I am beginning to feel the same way about Paul that I do about Donald Trump (whose prolific real estate ventures led to a friend's child saying that in New York, buildings are called Trumps). If he keeps this up, Paul Kedrosky is on his way to becoming a verb. ("They want to Kedrosky $3 million in a Series A round.")

It's not that I don't value what Paul writes - I do. As a venture partner with one of Canada's leading venture capital funds, he (along with Rick Segal) is an important voice for my people, the Canadian high tech community. But blogging is about discourse, and Pauls' prolific tendencies may have a chilling effect on that. When I ventured into blogdom, I figured, a meaningful post every day or so would be all right. Apparently, that's SOOOO Blog 1.0. Now, thanks to Paul, to be considered a real blogger, I need to generate rich media, graph-laden hourly updates and/or wide ranging commentary and also link to regular podcasts that I create. Crikey!